Working full-time during the pandemic can be challenging to feel balanced. This time has ignited self reflection and I realized that through it all, I actually feel very grounded. But I also realized, this is the result of intentional mindsets & actions I have incorporated in my lifestyle that strengthen resilience.
I wanted to share some things that work for me. My hope is this can spark ideas for others for how self care can look for you in trying to work during this wild time:

Back to back Zoom meetings can be rough. So I normalized scheduling meetings to start 10 or 15 minutes after the hour. For me, the productivity difference between a 45-50 minute meeting & a 60 minute meeting is negligible. But that extra 10-15 minutes built in to just pause, shift mental gears, answer some emails, go pee, or refill water is a gamechanger.

Defensive calendaring changed my life. I learned to look at my schedule ahead of time and make sure I put in time to eat, get work done for deadlines, and take care of personal needs. This makes time for priorities up front and then have meetings scheduled around them.

Workspace has a direct impact on my mood. I know I need sunlight, I need fresh air, I need plants, and I need an aesthetic background to feel happy. I always work either outside or surrounded by plants and natural lighting.

Physical comfort is important. I get sweaty when I’m focused so I have embraced “the zoom shirt” concept lol I’m usually working in whatever’s most comfortable like a tank top or pajamas. But I always have something nearby to throw on if I need to for a meeting.

I’m honest with myself about when I work best. I’m 100% a night person. If I don’t have an 8am meeting, I don’t force myself to sit at a workspace that early and I enjoy actively working in the comfort of laying down with my head propped up. There are often back to back meetings in the day, so I do a lot of my most productive work between the hours of 8pm-11pm. Sticking to a strict 8am-5pm schedule simply does not work for me and I’ve found a way to be available to colleagues whenever needed yet also be honest about when I work best. But what works for me may not work for others so “schedule send” is my friend.

I know I carry my stress in physical form as tenseness in my back and it can get really painful. So I invested in a theragun. It was scary to spend that much money on a massager but it immediately alleviates tension so is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. 10/10 recommend.

I found productive places to vent and process. Energy and professionalism in the workplace are incredibly important. It’s been helpful to process with a diverse support system to bring healthy fresh perspectives to situations and allows me to show up refreshed in my professional interactions.

I avoid creating narratives based off assumptions. I focus on the facts I know to be true and give grace that the colleagues I work with are simply doing their best to do their job in a challenging situation.

I recognize that I work for a business and feel gratitude to still have my full-time job during this pandemic with the flexibility to work remotely. Sometimes company leadership has to make tough decisions in an effort to keep the business alive. I trust my leadership is doing the best they can to continue to provide our product in a daunting economy that is informed by the information they have available.

I have a realistic view of how I fit into the bigger picture of the business model. This allows me to not take any decisions personally. I try to pay attention to connecting dots about current university priorities to adapt, inform my priorities, and align my every day tasks.

I often ask myself, “What is in my sphere of control and what isn’t?” This mantra helps me feel liberated from unnecessary worry and focused on taking action on the things I can directly do to make my life better.

I realized it really is true that being active directly impacts mental health. At the beginning of the pandemic, I committed to doing something active every single day: a jog, bike ride, yoga, hike, Chloe Ting ab challenge, whatever. And whenever I feel lazy, I force myself to at least go for a walk.

I allow myself to enjoy life knowing that you can both prioritize social distancing and do fun stuff out in the world. I know I cannot survive being cooped up and locked inside. I consistently go on adventures outside, exploring new places, or just taking in the much needed fresh air.

I schedule time to workout with friends and family. Motivation to be active can be hard. So I lean on loved ones to keep me accountable with the concept of “motivation bundling” where even if I’m not in the mood to do yoga, it’s a scheduled time that I can look forward to spending time with others. And ultimately, I always felt good about making myself get those endorphins.

I’m heavily involved in communities that give me purpose completely outside of work. This helps maintain a healthy sense of self-worth that is not dependent on my job at all. If things are tough at work, it helps tremendously to have things to look forward to that are completely unrelated and allow me to feel affirmation and experience impact with communities and causes that matter to me.

I acknowledge when I am exhausted. I bingewatch tv shows to turn my brain off at night and treat myself with warm brownies or ice cream before I go to bed.

Family and love are everything. I sit and talk with my family every single day. They keep me grounded and remind me of the importance of self care and balance.

When my mind is racing, I either write or meditate. (That’s how this list happened!) There is so much going on and I’m constantly overstimulated. So I pay attention to when I need to do something intentional to calm my mind and find peace.
You’re doing a great job. You got this.
#COVID19 #survive2020